Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Common Practices of Gifted Education Programs

Gifted Education of Chicago is also referred to as 'Gifted and Talented Education' (GATE), 'G/T' or 'Talented and Gifted' (TAG).  In the simplest of terms, it is the procedures, special practices, and theories that are applied in a child’s education when they have been classified as “gifted” or “talented” students.  There are two primary approaches where gifted education is concerned, namely acceleration and enrichment.  These programs are broken down as follows:


•    Acceleration programs – this gifted education Chicago enables students to progress through the standard classroom curriculum at a much quicker pace than their classmates.  When the normal workload has been completed, they tackle the next subject while the other students are still working on the first one.

•    Enrichment programs – students are taught additional related subject matter but keep their progress rates at the same as the other students are adhering to.  Once the initial workload is finished, they may be provided with additional information about some other curriculum subject.

Unfortunately, the term “gifted student” has not been defined on a global basis although multiple definitions of the term “giftedness” do exist among different groups or schools of thought.  Most gifted education in Chicago definitions that exist today are those that are based on individuals who were the most intelligent, knowledgeable, and talented in a specific subject.  For instance, these are students who are the most skilled in language, logical reasoning, mathematics, or music.

There is considerable variance in the percentage of students who are chosen for these types of educational programs.  In most cases, these schools select 10% or less for enrollment in gifted education programs.  However, students typically vary in their achievements and aptitudes.  For example, if your son or daughter is not gifted in one specific subject, they may be gifted in another.  The reality is that the bar has been set as the top 5% of all students, even though more than that could be classified as gifted.

Gifted Education Chicago are tailored to those students who are classified as being gifted and talented.  These individuals are highly intelligent and have considerably more abilities than the average student.  Consequently, they require an educational program that challenges them to succeed in a standard classroom environment.  When acceleration and enrichment programs are utilized to accommodate their educational needs, it enables the student to progress at their pace.  More information regarding these programs is available online.