Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Emotional And Social Challenges of The Gifted Student

The gifted child often demonstrates a higher level of maturity in certain areas versus others.  Consequently, they could be at higher risk of emotional and social challenges that accompany any attention and learning issues they may be having.  The following are some of the challenges they might face:

•    Disengagement and isolation – it’s not uncommon for gifted children to feel as though they don’t belong or fit in.  They’re oftentimes uncomfortable because they lack the social skills to communicate with others in their classes and make friends.

•    Frequent frustration – for the gifted child whose needs have only been partially addressed or have gone unnoticed altogether, prolonged bouts of frustration can be very common in their daily lives.  Like other gifted students, your child may be striving for perfection.

•    Lower self-confidence – it’s easy for children to lose faith in themselves as well as their self-confidence when they aren’t getting the right gifted education support in Chicago.  Eventually, the child will start to believe that they are a failure.

As a result, the adults, caregivers, and parents in their lives have to stay in tune with the gifted child’s specific needs.  Furthermore, these individuals can help the child build a strong emotional and social health framework.  Keep the following in mind at all times:

•    Giftedness can lead the child to deny, hide, or misunderstand the warning signs of deeper problems.
•    Just because a child is gifted in one particular area, it doesn’t mean that they’ll be gifted in all of them.
•    No two gifted students are ever alike nor are their emotional and social needs.
•    Parents need to help establish balance in the gifted student’s life in order to reduce the amount of anxiety and stress they suffer with.
•    There is no single approach for the maintenance of a child’s emotional needs.
•    We can provide coping tools and teach strategies that will enable children to deal with the ups and downs of life.

With the proper encouragement and support, the child can flourish in a gifted education program in Chicago.  Discuss your concerns with your child’s school and inquire about the type of tests that are given in their classes.  Even if your child is not doing that well, ask to keep him or her in the gifted education program in Chicago they’re enrolled in.  You can request that your child be assessed for any attention and learning issues before they can be removed from the program. Visit Here: Science & Arts Academy

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Do Schools For Gifted Children Value Critical Thinking?

We tend to associate the terminology “critical thinking” with some form of skepticism or a question of validity.  The question “Is this the truth?” is oftentimes perceived as some sort of challenge.  Yet, we should spend our time evaluating or judging a belief, idea, solution, or statement.  The term “critical” is derived from the Greek “krinein” and means to evaluate or judge.  Therefore, when you combine this with the term “thinking”, the use of reasoning becomes part of the evaluation process.  Hence the question “Do schools for gifted children value critical thinking?”

Teachers provide students with the opportunity for critical thinking as a part of a gifted school program in Chicago; and in the regular classroom as well.  Furthermore, critical thinking skills are associated with the analysis, comparison, evaluation, or synthesis of information that is available in books and lectures.  Basically, this boils down to creating and developing strategies that nurture critical thinking abilities in gifted learners.  These strategies are broken down in the following content.

•    In-depth classroom discussions – Teachers encourage these skills so that they can be developed via in-depth classroom discussions within the gifted school programs in Chicago.  Students can ask their own questions, while teachers can pose questions that require more than simply quoting text and recalling facts.  After analyzing information that is presented in the classroom, students are encouraged to share their opinions with one another.

•    Real-life problem solving – One of the areas where teachers can play a significant role in helping gifted students develop their critical thinking skills is in solving the problems of everyday life.  For instance, the use of paper in the classroom is oftentimes excessive and even wasteful.  Students may use an entire sheet of notebook paper just to solve four or five math problems.  In some cases, students may exhaust an entire supply of math scratch paper just by solving one problem at time, and then throwing that paper into the classroom recycling bin.

•    Self-evaluation – Students enrolled in gifted school programs in Chicago can improve their critical thinking abilities through the process of self-evaluation.  This is not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination.  It takes a considerable amount of insight for the student to identify their strengths and weaknesses.  For example, you can ask them to evaluate their performance after giving a class presentation.  Thus, they would highlight the strong points of their performance and the areas that need the most improvement.

As a portion of the classroom curriculum, teachers target gifted students by challenging them to develop their critical thinking abilities and skills.  However, all students in gifted school programs in Chicago can better themselves, while improving their critical thinking skills through the utilization of these three strategies. Visit Here: Science & Arts Academy