Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Emotional And Social Challenges of The Gifted Student

The gifted child often demonstrates a higher level of maturity in certain areas versus others.  Consequently, they could be at higher risk of emotional and social challenges that accompany any attention and learning issues they may be having.  The following are some of the challenges they might face:

•    Disengagement and isolation – it’s not uncommon for gifted children to feel as though they don’t belong or fit in.  They’re oftentimes uncomfortable because they lack the social skills to communicate with others in their classes and make friends.

•    Frequent frustration – for the gifted child whose needs have only been partially addressed or have gone unnoticed altogether, prolonged bouts of frustration can be very common in their daily lives.  Like other gifted students, your child may be striving for perfection.

•    Lower self-confidence – it’s easy for children to lose faith in themselves as well as their self-confidence when they aren’t getting the right gifted education support in Chicago.  Eventually, the child will start to believe that they are a failure.

As a result, the adults, caregivers, and parents in their lives have to stay in tune with the gifted child’s specific needs.  Furthermore, these individuals can help the child build a strong emotional and social health framework.  Keep the following in mind at all times:

•    Giftedness can lead the child to deny, hide, or misunderstand the warning signs of deeper problems.
•    Just because a child is gifted in one particular area, it doesn’t mean that they’ll be gifted in all of them.
•    No two gifted students are ever alike nor are their emotional and social needs.
•    Parents need to help establish balance in the gifted student’s life in order to reduce the amount of anxiety and stress they suffer with.
•    There is no single approach for the maintenance of a child’s emotional needs.
•    We can provide coping tools and teach strategies that will enable children to deal with the ups and downs of life.

With the proper encouragement and support, the child can flourish in a gifted education program in Chicago.  Discuss your concerns with your child’s school and inquire about the type of tests that are given in their classes.  Even if your child is not doing that well, ask to keep him or her in the gifted education program in Chicago they’re enrolled in.  You can request that your child be assessed for any attention and learning issues before they can be removed from the program. Visit Here: Science & Arts Academy

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